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VHFMarine Transceiver with DSC & AIS
The fully equipped flagship in the range of Icom Marinehandhelds!
AIS receiver and DSC (Class-H) function add further assurancefor safety at sea. With the integrated AIS receiver, vessel traffic informationis shown on the display. The AIS target call function allows you to easily setup a DSC individual call. Distress calls can be made with the rear panelbutton.
The IC-M94DE’s 6 watts of transmit power provides extendedcommunication range for the user. The supplied 2400 mAh (typical) high capacityLi-ion battery, BP-306 provides 10 hours of operating time, under normalconditions*.
* Approximate, typical operation with 5:5:90 duty ratio.
Icom’s custom high-power capacity speaker delivers a loud 1500mW (typical) audio output with improved acoustic sound clarity for noisymaritime environments.
TheNavigation function guides you to a specified waypoint. You can assign up to 50favorite fishing spots or destinations as waypoints.
The radio floats and the LCD screen, keys and rear panelDistress button flash to help you retrieve it from the water. Pressing thedistress button while Float’n Flash is working will transmit the MOB distresssignal, rather than the plain undesignated one for better protection ofsailors.
BP-306 battery pack | BC-251 battery charger | AC adapter |MB-133 belt clip | FA-SC59V Antenna | Hand strap