S2 SAE LED Auxiliary Light Pod Pair - Universal
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S2SAE LED Auxiliary Light Pod Pair - Universal


Baja Designs is proud to introduce the next light to our SAEseries, the S2 SAE. Equipped with aspheric projector optics, advanced LEDtechnology, and impressive output make it the perfect road-legalauxiliary fog light.

The all new S2 SAE delivers animpressive 1,210 lumens per light with an output reaching up to 5712 candela(measured) at just 12.42W. Stay safe while illuminating Zone 1 with acontrolled, sharp cut off from the combination of new LED technology and highlyefficient aspheric projector optics.The S2 SAE lights are designedto meet SAE J583 fog lamp requirements making it fully compliant with roadregulations. This innovative approach allows for a highly controlled lightpattern with a sharp cutoff making them an ideal choice for driving throughdust, fog, andinclementweather.

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Squadron SAE LED Auxiliary Light Pod Pair - Universal
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Miðhraun 13, 210 Garðabær